
Within the framework of the HELIOS program, OMNESassociation, the Job Counselorof IOM, and the beneficiaries of the Integration Learning Center inKilkis, attended the Career4all career day in the courtyard of Thessaloniki City Hall on Thursday September 23rd, 2021. The eventwas organized by the Council for the Integration of Immigrants and Refugees (SEB) of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Working Group for the employment integration of immigrants and refugees, with the central aim of linking the refugee population with the labor market.
The activities of the eventwere liveinterpreted into English, Arabic, French, Farsi and Urdu, and were mainly addressed to refugees and asylum seekerswho are looking for a job in the area of Thessaloniki.
During the event, specialized job counsellors informed candidates about practical issues related to access to the local labor market, while business representatives presented the nature of their work and the skills required in the sectors they represent.
As part of the event, refugees shared their own work experience in Greece with other prospective employees.
In addition, a special session was held for businesses to inform them about the labor rights of refugees in Greece and issues of equal opportunities and diversity in the labor market.
At the same time, company representatives attended the event, with whom refugees who are looking for a job and wish to be employed in the positions offered by the companies have come into contact.
OMNES is a strategic partner with SolidarityNow which is a key implementing partner of the International Organization for Migration (IOM Greece), in the framework of the "HELIOS Project" which is funded by theEuropean Commission – Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (#DG_HOME).

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